It is hot at the coast and I mean really hot at the coast. So, if you are really planning to have a vacay or visit the coast carry light clothing to match the really reeeaaalllllyyy hot weather. Ps. I am just messing your head up.

Shorts, in particular, are very comfortable at the coast especially if you are touring the historical sites or the beaches. These shots, in particular, were taken at Fort Jesus near the entrance.

On that day I wore lights clothes. A black top with a checked maroon windbreaker to complement the look and brown shorts (my favorite). Yes, wear your shorts at the coast.

The neck piece and sunglasses were a statement piece.

I preferred wearing this white shoes than some other black shoes since they do not absorb heat. Well, I do not know why I wore the white socks but I think it came out perfectly.

Styling- Me
Neckpiece- My design
Sunglasses- Thrifted at Mama Ngina Drive
Shorts at the coast.
Yours Truly,
The coast series is part of my collection of my coastal tour in March 2018.